
Who Benefits?

A UNESCO designated Georgian Bay Global Geopark
will engage and benefit all of Georgian Bay

Today the Bay is under pressure as the urban frontier slowly moves northward. Establishment of a prestigious UNESCO Geopark in Georgian Bay (Canada’s largest) will ensure over the coming decades that the Bay becomes a robust ‘territory of resilience’ capable of successfully managing development pressure, while providing exciting opportunities for regional geotourism, public education, sustainable and balanced development and ongoing fundamental research into its rocks and landscapes.


Based on surveys of Geoparks globally and within Canada participating communities experience:

  • Measurable increases in tourism, job creation and new business start ups
  • Leverage a major marketing platform to help position and promote the Municipality to Canadian and International tourists, new residents, and investors
  • Informed strategic and environmental planning and policies due to new, localized research findings
  • Improved connections and collaboration with other communities on Georgian Bay

First Nations and Metis Nation of Ontario Councils

A platform to

  • Build public engagement, awareness and understanding of Indigenous history, storytelling, cultural experiences with Keepers of traditional ecological knowledge to understand their way of life with the land.
  • Learn about the communities’ role in conservation and protection.
  • Develop initiatives on conservation tourism, education, knowledge sharing, research, trade, and protection of Mother Earth.
  • Collaborate with municipalities, conservation groups and educators.

Conservation Groups

  • Participate in new research collaborations between and among conservation groups and the Geopark.
  • Access a library of Georgian Bay wide research findings, data, resources and networks that can enhance and amplify the efforts of conservation groups and research initiatives.

Tourism and Businesses

A platform to

Permanent and Seasonal Residents

A platform and system to help

  • Drive effective and widespread sustainable policies and practices for the Georgian Bay community at large facing population demand and growth.
  • Unite and coordinate the efforts of all of Georgian Bay associations and communities.


  • Access to new curriculum from the Geopark
    Virtual Field Trips
  • Collaboration with other schools and Municipalities
  • Job opportunities
  • Work has already begun to develop educational material, virtual field trips and an important new Research Initiative.

Find out more about the Georgian Bay Aspiring GeoPark


A grass roots initiative to establish Georgian Bay
 as one of the world’s greatest UNESCO Global Geoparks

Aspiring Georgian Bay Geopark

A Georgian Bay Geopark will showcase the Bay’s extraordinary Geo-heritage to Canada and the world
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There are 177 UNESCO GeoParks in 46 countries around the world, 5 in Canada

UNESCO Geoparks

"Single, unified geographical areas of international geological significance managed with a holistic concept"
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Georgian Bay’s geology, long history and culture position the Bay to be one of the World’s great Geoparks

Why Georgian Bay?

Historically, the study of Georgian Bay rocks paved the way for modern global understanding of how continents form and migrate
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Four essential building blocks will build one of the world’s greatest Geoparks

Georgian Bay Geopark Vision

100+ Geopark Sites Geopark On line Education and Research Community Leadership
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A UNESCO designated Georgian Bay Geopark can engage and benefit all of Georgian Bay

Who benefits?

Municipalities, First Nations and Metis, Conservation Groups,Tourism and Businesses, Permanent and Seasonal Residents, Educators
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Work has begun on Educational Material, Virtual Field Trips and new Research

Research, Education, Field Trips

New initiatives are providing key scientific information to support conservation efforts around the Bay
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The creation of a UNESCO Global Geopark is a grassroots initiative led by The Georgian Bay Geopark Network – GBGN

About us

The Aspiring Georgian Bay Geopark initiative is guided by a set of inclusive principles
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The GBGN is looking to form partnerships and collaborations with communities and organizations throughout the Bay

Get involved

The GBGN also invites individuals to join the Network; to get involved with ideas, stories and support.
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The GBGN thanks these organizations for their support